
Beefbooster Blog

One of the things on your to do list for 2015, should be to attend a Verified Beef Production - Quality Start Here Workshop.  Why?, because MacDonald's has made a commitment to buy verified sustainable beef starting in 2016.  One of the criteria,  MacDonald’s will...

It's a new year and even though I vowed not to get involved in any new research projects.  Guess what, lots of new projects. In the past couple of years, here has been some uptake from the purebred industry to participate in research,  with Livestock Gentec...

  If you are looking to expand you herd, then you need to check out the Beefbooster Bred Females up for sale on November 6, 2013.  Sale to be held at the Fort Macleod Auction Market at 1:00pm. If you unable to make it to the sale...

I spent the last week in Edmonton at the Livestock Gentec conference.  Theme of the conference was "Turning Information into Application"   Topics ranged from Genomics Tools for Whole-herd Improvement to Understanding the Carbon Off-Set market in Alberta. One of the most interesting speakers was Fernando...

It's October, and at Beefbooster that means the new crop of bull calves are being deliverd to Thorlakson Feedyards Bull Test Station.  These bulls will be performance tested over the winter and be available for sale next spring.   Over the years we have built...

“We Don’t Guess, We Test” Beefbooster’s simple yet memorable motto has deep roots. Since 1970, the organization has been bringing together the best cattle producers, scientists and stakeholders to find a way to breed formidable hybrid bulls. Beefbooster is a beef seedstock company that operates as a...

  A new version of BIXS (Beef Info Xchange System) will be released this fall.   BIXS is a CCA (Canadian Cattlemen's Assocation) project funded by the Federal Government through AgriFlex.  For more information on the new release of BIXS read the CCA News Release.  CCA...

Beefbooster has always realised the potential that DNA technology would have to its genetic improvement program. We began collecting DNA samples in 2000; and using SNP parentage technology in our seedstock herds in 2007. Since Beefbooster was already using SNP technology, the AIP program allowed...

It's Spring, well almost Spring, which means the bulls are coming off test. There are three off test procedures. First, all bulls are weighted, have a scrotal measurement taken, and an internal examination. The Genetic Evaluation program is updated with this information. With the updated...

This is my very first blog entry, and since Beefbooster is all about breeding bulls, that what I am going to talk about today. The bulls have been on test since the beginning of November and they will be coming off test at the end of...