Federal Agricultural Innovation Program

Federal Agricultural Innovation Program

Beefbooster has always realised the potential that DNA technology would have to its genetic improvement program. We began collecting DNA samples in 2000; and using SNP parentage technology in our seedstock herds in 2007. Since Beefbooster was already using SNP technology, the AIP program allowed us to obtain a 6K panel for the price of a parentage panel. This resulted in a savings to the company of $66,600.00. Being able to use SNP parentage technology in multi-sire breeding pastures, has improved the accuracy of our EBV’s. It has also helped breeders weed out poorer doing bulls.

The use of the higher density panels will help in the development of GEBV’s (Genomic Expected Breeding Values) with high accuracies. This will allow Beefbooster to better predict the animal’s genetic potential at an early age. It will also allow for development of GEBV’s for traits that have low heritability but large economic impact, like fertility and feed efficiency.

In a recent study: Cost-Benefit Analysis of Genomic Tools for the Alberta Industry lead by Livestock Gentec and funded by Alma, determined that GEBV’s with an accuracy of more than 50% out of a co-ordinated breeding plan, like Beefbooster  is worth $10.00 a calf. This will result in a $2,500,000 a year benefit to Beefbooster breeders and customers.

Beefbooster has a long history of collaboration with Livestock Genetec and Delta Genomics. Funding from AAFP AIP program will help Beefbooster to produce better more profitable cattle for the Alberta Cattle industry.

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