Environmental Stewardship Award

Environmental Stewardship Award

Congratulations to VXV Farms, proud Beefbooster producers. They won the 2016 Alberta Beef Producer (ABP) annual Environmental Stewardship Award for their rotational grazing system, riparian area protection & their effort to recycle waste materials.

Their rotational grazing system relies heavily on the cattle’s ability to get all that they need from grazing native pasture and tame hay fields. They trust the high feed efficiency of Beefbooster cattle to help them be award-winning environmental stewards.

Read on at The Western Producer to learn more about how VXV Farms is raising the bar for Environmental Stewardship: http://www.producer.com/2016/04/farms-environmental-stewardship-recognized/

Watch ABP’s feature video on VXV Farms and their efforts toward creating a sustainable operation: http://www.albertabeef.org/page/esa

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