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Beefbooster Blog

Congratulations to VXV Farms, proud Beefbooster producers. They won the 2016 Alberta Beef Producer (ABP) annual Environmental Stewardship Award for their rotational grazing system, riparian area protection & their effort to recycle waste materials. Their rotational grazing system relies heavily on the cattle’s ability to get...

Beefbooster bulls produce exceptionally high grade cattle, that you know. But how do we do it? With more than 40 years of production data backing our every breeding decision, we can tell you—to the exact dollar—how cattle sired by our terminal cross bulls outperform the...

Water  By Michael Flood  From the grass on your pasture to the four-legged (and two-legged) animals on your ranch no life can exist without water. This past summer may have given you more cause to think about water than ever before, with record low rainfalls across the...

Bred Heifers For Sale 150 Black and Red Heifers bred to Beefbooster Easy calving M3 bulls Bulls turned out July 10th 2015 42 day breeding season On Pfizer Gold Prgram For more information contact: Heath Eaton  1-306-821-7700   Email Doug Eaton 1-306-821-6147      ...

Bred Cows Antelope Butte Livestock Bred Cows Breeding Dates: July 21, 2015 to September 13, 2015 Price: Your choice is $2500 until January 1, 2016.  Price goes up monthly. Vaccinations: April 2015 Bovi-Gold FP5** prior to calving November 2015 Tasvax 8 and Alverin Pour On Preg Check by Dr. Todd Griffiths...

Beefbooster along with industry partner Thorlakson Feedyards and Livestock Gentec at the University of Alberta are conducting an ALMA funded project to develop a new Standard Operating Procedure for capturing feed intake and efficiency data for beef cattle using GrowSafe feed intake recording systems. The goals...

Winter feeding is one of the largest costs of cattle ranching. Animals need forage to survive and put on weight after the grazing season, and this has to be either grown by the rancher or purchased on the open market. In recent years rising crop...

Bred Heifers for Sale McNabb Ranch - Shaunavon, Saskatchewan 75 heifers bred to Beefbooster M3 easy calving bulls and one purebred Red Angus bull.  Exposed from July 14 to September 20th. For more information contact Jason and Karmen McNabb Phone:     306 295-4163 Cell:         306...

  Verified Beef Production Training Workshop Instructor - Shannon Argent - Alberta Provincial Coordinator for the VBP Program  Cost – No Charge Tuesday – February 10, 2015 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM Balzac Community Hall On the west side of Hwy 2, on secondary 566 Balzac, AB  Hosted by Herdtrax, Nagel and Company, Thorlakson Feedyards Beefbooster Inc   Please pre-register with...